408-782-4388 email: shantarawizard@gmail.com

Women's Wholistic Health

do you struggle with physical and emotional pain?
Are you ready to break free from the pain and get your life back?
if it is a YES for you, you have come to the right place.

I know the struggle of having emotional and physical pain weighing me down daily. Through kairos therapy, I became aware of what was happening in my body. My body was storing pain, and I learned how to release the memories and the pain. Since it made such a huge difference for me, I devoted my life to study, heal and teach this powerful Kairos method.

If you have experienced any kind of abuse in your life and would like to heal the wounding so you can feel good in your body and enjoy your life fully.

If you are tired of being in pain and ready to get the support you deserve. I invite you to a 15 Minute Complementary Break Free From Pain Consultation

  • #1 Thing that is blocking you from breaking free from physical and emotional pain
  • Why it’s not your fault that you have not been able to make this change on your own
  • A success map to help get out of pain and back to doing the things you love

To set up a free consultation call 408-782-4388 or email shantarawizard@gmail.com


Kairos Therapy involves the relationships of three broad areas of focus: physical healing, emotional healing, and personal empowerment. Performed on a massage table with the client clothed, the practitioner positions the hands specifically to address identified areas of pain or discomfort. Unlike other forms of energy work, Kairos practitioners use a sending hand and a receiving hand which provides a more targeted and potent energy flow.

Each person’s individual experiences develop into belief systems, behaviors, and coping mechanisms over time. When these experiences are negative, they lead to pain and stress that, left unresolved, can create blockages in the individual. These blockages often present later as chronic or recurring emotional and physical pain/illness or discomfort.

When working with a client, Kairos practitioners find the source of the pain or discomfort, as this can help improve the efficacy of the treatment. However, expressly knowing the underlying cause isn’t necessary for Kairos to have a big impact on the client. The body itself has a certain wisdom of its own and will often reveal its areas of need if and when it’s ready.

Kairos makes for a great compliment to those on a path of meditation and spiritual growth.

Since Kairos often leads to a heightened sense of relaxation, it helps those who meditate to reach further depths of their processes, resulting in a fuller sense of inner peace.


After a brief talk designed to help guide the therapy, the client will lay on the massage table fully clothed. The practitioner will place their hands gently on the client’s body and will start the targeted flow of energy between their hands.

You may go into a refreshing sleep, feel warmth, tingles or other physical sensations, see images or colors, feel emotions, recall memories, become deeply relaxed, or discover a resolution to a current problem.


  • Helps heal personal and generational trauma
  • Recovery from a variety of abuses
  • Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
  • Irritable bowel
  • Migraine
  • Mourning and grief
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Panic attacks
  • Recovery from trauma
  • Blocked sexual feelings
  • Eating disorders
  • Chronic pain

To set up a free consultation call 408-782-4388 or email shantarawizard@gmail.com

“Hi Stephanie, Been meaning to thank you so much for the wonderful kairos workshop you created and hosted!!! It was great to do the WORK again that is so gentle yet profound. I felt very calm and grounded after and it has lasted!    

Except  for yesterday when I got triggered when my daughter called to have me watch the 3 year old  for 6 hours while they took the 2 month old baby to the hospital cause he was having trouble breathing after 3 days of fighting the nasty flu they all have had!!! All turned out ok but I am still in fight/ flight abit. I’m working on myself and will shift it but a kairos session would fix it in a jiffy! Also having my kairos memory re-kindled was great.  I did get to do a session on my son last week , which was very helpful I believe.  I plan to do more.  

I only wish we didn’t live sooo far away☹️. Thanks again for all your amazing knowledge ,skill and teachings🙏 Hope all is well with you.”
