408-782-4388 email: shantarawizard@gmail.com

Women's Wholistic Health

Stephanie Bisceglia’s Story

Stephanie has amassed a lifetime of health knowledge and experience rooted in her early years growing up on a small family farm in Oregon. Raw, organic, and pesticide-free food sources were all she knew growing up and this became the foundation of a life focused on wholistic wellness.

​With a degree in Wholistic Health from UC Santa Cruz focused in Nutritional and Emotional Healing, Stephanie supplemented her education with professional certifications in Weight Management, Low Glycemic Eating, and Glycobiology.

Her primary consultative focus is on the gut, home to 80% of the immune system. Additionally, she teaches clients to interpret food and supplement labels to know exactly what they’re putting in their bodies.

 Stephanie pairs this nutritional prowess with over 35 years of experience in Kairos Therapy, a body-centered physical and emotional healing technique. She also instructs and mentors students working to become Kairos practitioners themselves to further promote health and wellbeing.

I’ve been in the Wholistic Wellness field as a Wholistic Wellness Consultant for over thirty years.  My focus and my passion are supporting people with their emotional and nutritional healing. 

While I was raising my two sons, now in their forties, I was going to the University of California, Santa Cruz to get my degree in what I thought would be Social Work or Psychology.  I experienced a lot of abuse while growing up and was in therapy, both group and individual, so psychology and/or social work seemed a good fit for me.  

During that time, I was a Certified Massage Practitioner and worked in Chiropractic offices to help put myself through college.  I took the Kairos Therapy Training while I was at U.C., and that changed the direction of my life.  I received my degree from U.C. Santa Cruz, in the Wholistic Health field with a focus on emotional healing, personal development, and nutrition.

When I started studying Kairos Therapy, I noticed that my body got deeply relaxed, more relaxed than I could ever remember.  After receiving a few sessions, I noticed emotional and physical changes in myself.  I wouldn’t get as upset at certain situations in my life.  Road rage is an example.  I’d feel really frustrated with drivers’ behaviors and yell at them (windows up, of course), or shake my fist at them. I also started feeling much better about myself—I felt more peaceful, internally, and my self-esteem went way up. 

Migraines were an experience that I had on a regular basis, and they put me out of commission for at least two days at a time.  At some point during my training and sessions, I noticed that the time between migraines became longer and longer, till I no longer had migraines.  I’ve not had a migraine in over twenty years, nor do I get stress headaches, which I had on a daily basis. 

My limiting beliefs, my feelings of low self-esteem, and my connection to Source changed so dramatically that I decided I wanted to teach the work.  I’ve been teaching for over forty years, now.  I have had many psychotherapists over the years refer clients to me when their clients are in a stuck place.  Kairos is also a wonderful complement to other kinds of bodywork, including massage and chiropractic. Let me show you how you, too, can live a longer and healthier life.    

  ~Stephanie Bisceglia

My path is to support you in your greatest health.

I invite you to a Complementary Consultation.

To set up a consultation call 408-782-4388 or email shantarawizard@gmail.com